
Video Transcript

Obsidian also has the ability to generate an outline based on the markdown headings on the current page. To do this, you simply navigate to the right sidebar. You'll notice a little outline button there. It's represented by three horizontal lines with little dots next to them, reminiscent of an outline.

When you click on this button, it provides an outline view. This outline is auto-generated based solely on the headings within your document. If you switch into edit mode, you'll see that 'This' and 'Favorite things' are both level two headings. They stand out with little disclosure triangles next to them, and you can fold them up if you wish.

Now, 'Favorite Disney line restaurant' should also be on this list, but it's not a heading. To amend this, I'll match its level to the one above it, which is level three. I'll add three hashtags and hit the space bar. As you can see, it's instantly added to the outline. This also provides a way to navigate through large documents. When editing lengthy files, I can simply head to the outline view and click on the section I need.

This outline feature is a core plugin and is enabled by default. You can locate it in the Obsidian settings. If you use Command and comma, you can access the core plugins. Scrolling down, you'll find the outline feature, and you can confirm it's turned on.

Remember, this outline is tied to your markdown headings. If something appears wrong in your outline, you can always fix it by adjusting the corresponding headings. Just for demonstration, I'll add another heading, 'shopping experiences'. Since I've made it a level 2 heading, it slots itself into the outline as a level 2 heading.

Perfecting the spelling here, you'll find that these headings are incredibly useful for long documents, not just for navigation, but also to establish a logical order for your work.

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