Welcome to the
MacSparky Field Guides
The MacSparky Field Guides are a series of high-quality, tech-savvy video courses and ebooks about getting more out of technology. Lately, computers have been more of a hindrance than a help. But it doesn't have to be that way. Learn how to be more productive with your Apple Technology in these professionally produced, and thorough courses on how to become more productive with your Apple gear.
Become More Productive
My Productivity System combines ancient ideas with modern productivity techniques. It's helped a lot of people.
Maybe it can help you, too.
Here are two other Field Guides that can also assist you with your productivity journey.
Learn Shortcuts
When Apple announced Shortcuts, they explained they see it as the "Future of Automation". Well, it is.
Shortcuts now exists for the Mac, iPhone, and iPad. It's time to bone up.
Master OmniFocus
For 15 Years, OmniFocus has been the premier task manager in the Apple Ecosystem. This latest OmniFocus Field Guide shows you the ropes.
Tame Obsidian
Obsidian is one of the most powerful apps to emerge in the last few years. But there is a learning curve. For this, there's a Field Guide.
Next Level Mac Automation
Your Macintosh computer can do so much work for you. You just need to learn how to use the right tools.
Power Up Your Apps
Mac Tips
A Little Fun
About David Sparks
Your sensei for this journey to productivity is David Sparks. David grew up with computers and used them to great effect as an attorney for nearly 30 years. David also is the co-host of the popular Mac Power Users, Automators, and Focused podcasts. David publishes the MacSparky blog and hosts the popular MacSparky newsletter. Over the years David has written many books about productivity using Apple Technology and has spoken at numerous venues including Macworld Expo, the American Bar Association, and the Federal Judicial College.
In a world where technology is increasingly conspiring to steal our focus and attention, David's goal is to teach you how to be more productive with Apple technology. If used correctly, your technology can stop being your biggest source of distraction and start being the tool that helps you achieve success. That's David's point with every one of these Field Guides.