More Shortcuts Resources

Here are some additional resources explaining how to use Shortcuts.


Want to learn more about Shortcuts? I've got some great resources for you.

I would start over at, where I post on Shortcuts all the time.

I've also got a couple podcasts that cover Shortcuts. The first is the Mac Power Users and the other one is the Automators, where we go deep on Shortcuts. Speaking of the Automators, I'd recommend the Automation Orchard, which is hosted by my friend and co-host of the Automators, Rosemary Orchard. Rose does a great job on Automation, including Shortcuts.

And how can we leave out Federico Viticci and Friends over at MacStories, where they give extensive coverage to Shortcuts and Automation.

Another great resource for Shortcuts is Matt Cassinelli. Matt used to work for the Workflow team, before he moved over to Apple, when it was acquired. Now, Matt's out on his own sharing all his Shortcuts' knowledge with all of us. Check him out at

Last and certainly not least is Adam Tow at Adam post some really wicked cool shortcuts. This is a website definitely worth following.

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